The VIP Program at NYU Langone Medical Center’s Hospital for Joint Diseases (HJD) is an academic observership for foreign and domestic physicians with an interest in orthopaedic surgery.
Program Description: Advance knee and shoulder hospital offers short term observership program. Short term observership is a distinct program at advance knee and shoulder hospital. The salient features
Program Details Hand surgeons (senior registrars, fellows and junior consultants within 4 years of independent practice, or equivalent) may apply to complete a 2 weeks observership at leading hand surgery
Indian Foot & Ankle Society – 2023 INLAND Fellowships : CLINICAL FELLOWSHIP: DURATION: Minimum 6 months – Between 01 August and 31 January Between 01 February and 31
Clinical Fellowships are offered in Ilizarov techniques and General Orthopaedics at CFIT India for young Orthopaedic Surgeons who have passed MS Ortho. Institute: Centre for Ilizarov Techniques, Aklola,
Location: The Johns Hopkins University and affiliated facilities Goals and Characteristics This is a one-year research position that involves observation and clinical research. The applicant would spend the
Indian Orthopaedic Association – JOHNSON & JOHNSON TRAVELLING FELLOWSHIP To expose the fellows to Senior Orthopaedic Surgeons with a view to interact, gain knowledge of attitudes and philosophy
Observational Fellowship The Orthopaedic Oncology division welcomes international and American visitors for informal observational fellowships. This experience is of variable length. Some have come for a few days